Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rejuvelac Triumph!

After many years of trying to get the Rejuvelac to be something besides water and grains that sat out on your counter for 3 or more days...success! This Rejuvelac, which is made from sprouted Barley grains, is tart, delicious, and has a lemonade-like taste. Rejuvelac is a fermented drink, made from your choice of grains (typically Soft Wheat Berries, Rye, Barley and others.). It is rich in enzymes, probiotics (not from supplements, and not from a dairy source, wooohoooo!), as well as B-Vitamins.

Ann Wigmore was the inventor of Rejuvelac. She had a very upset digestive system after self-testing foods that had been irradiated! The story goes that she simply asked Spirit...what do I do for this? She felt guided to use grains, sprout them and ferment them. She recovered quickly after drinking her newly created Rejuvelac.

I know that since Gabriel Cousens' Book Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine was published, many have had concerns about the mold in grains. One way to remedy this is to soak grains in Vitamin C powder before using them in your Rejuvelac. Soaking for 15-30 minutes is sufficient. Then rinse and begin your sprouting and fermenting.

How absolutely wonderful to consume enzymes, probiotics and B-Vitamins that do not come from synthetic supplements! It is pretty sweet to create no waste except for compost from your beautiful sprouted grains.

How to make Delish Rejuvelac:

Choose Soft Wheat Berries, Rye or Barley, preferably organic.
(Two good resources for bulk grains and seeds - Hippocrates Health Institute, and Optimum Health Institute)
Use 1/2 cup of one of these grains.
6-7 cups of spring water or purified water

This will give you about 2 quarts of Rejuvelac

Soak Grain for 10-12 hours.
Rinse 2-3X daily
Sprout Grain for 3 Days in Sprout Bag.
Here is the true secret to making great Rejuvelac. My sincere thanks to Steve Meyerowtiz and his excellent book "Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook".
Place the sprouts in a larger glass jar, like a mason jar and fill to the top with water.
Your future rejuvelac needs to now just sit and wait. Place the jar on a countertop, cover with your sprout bag ONLY.
In 3 days, you will have some amazing Rejuvelac. Enjoy!


sproutersteve said...

Can I do more than one batch of rejuvelac with the same blended sprouts?


Unknown said...

You absolutely can. You can use them for a 2nd batch. Just know that they will not be as strong the 2nd time around.

Joshua Butler said...

It works better if you don't blend the sprouts. That way they are still living while the bacteria are beginning to culture, instead of in a state of decay. It only takes 1 day at 80F and 2 days at 70F. Leaving it longer increases the chances for mold. You'll also want to skim the scum each time you stir and wipe away the scum residue from the sides of the jar with a clean paper towel. Successive batches are STRONGER with whole sprouts.

Also, DON'T TOSS THE FERMENTED SPROUTS after making rejuvelac. They can be dehydrated then milled and used in raw cracker recipes or simply food processed into a paste which can be dehydrated into a cracker. Either way, they are just as healthy as the rejuvelac and small legumes like mung bean and lentil sprouts, which normally taste too starchy to eat raw, can be rendered much more digestible using this fermentation method.

Best rejuvelac substrates: buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, rye, mung beans, and lentils.

Joshua Butler said...

A 30 min soak in 2% lemon juice is a better solution than Vitamin C powder. Lemon juice is known to be strongly antifungal and will neutralize most of the mold after sprouting, as long as you pick out most of the bad grains before fermenting.